Gary Karr-低音大提琴发烧天碟精选Audiophile Selections-2008[WAV]分轨

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专辑英文名: Audiophile Selections

专辑中文名: 低音大提琴发烧天碟精选

艺术家: Gary Karr.

古典类型: 全集作品

资源格式: WAV

发行时间: 2008年11月17日

地区: 日本

语言: 英语


现今 King Record 从发烧角度选出 Gary Karr 历年来音效最超卓的录音片段,编成一张CD,名为「发烧天碟精选」,可说实至名归。

King Record XRCD2 日本制作经典重现! XRCD2技术制版唱片,完全日本制作、压片, 配乐的音色靚,空气感与层次亦属极级水準。

被誉为当今最出色的低音大提琴演奏家,盖瑞.卡尔以他的名琴 Amati1611 演奏最动听的古典小品及通俗曲目!录音邀请到日本知名发烧录音师─高浪初郎,以德律风根真空管拾音器灌录唱片,成音牛筋味十足,层次感出色到甚至可以感觉到每样乐器的定位,有如身历其境的演奏!

曾被美国时代杂誌讚扬为居世界领导地位的低音提琴独奏家(the world's leading solo bassist)的盖瑞.卡尔(Gary Kaar),也是史上第一位将低音提琴独奏作为全职的低音提琴独奏家,其所拥有的由库赛夫斯基遗孀致赠的1611年低音提琴 Amati611 使得他在其音乐生涯上成就无数传奇。



Gary Karr, double-bass

Harmon Lewis, piano

CD de audio

Número de discos: 1

Sello: King Records – KICC 40


Gary Karr is one of the most popular double bass players known to audiophiles. He has many recordings and this one being a collection of all the favorite tracks is a good one to start with. His “Amati Double Bass” was the only one in the whole world. You can virtually smelt the fusion between the strings. If you like this selection, you can go on to collect the rest of his recordings. All his recordings were done at the same high standard.

Gary Karr (born November 20, 1941), is an American classical double bass virtuoso and teacher.

Gary acclaimed as "the world's leading solo bassist" (Time Magazine), is, in fact, the first solo doublebassist in history to make that pursuit a full-time career. It is a career that adds new lustre to his already lustrous 1611 Amati doublebass which was given to him by the widow of Serge Koussevitzky.

Since his debut with Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in 1962, Karr has performed as soloist on six continents with orchestras, including the Chicago Symphony, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Montreal Symphony, Simon Bolivar Orchestra (Caracas, Venezuela), Jerusalem Symphony, Oslo Philharmonic, Zurich Chamber Orchestra, and with all the major orchestras of Australia.

On Italian cable, three Karr doublebass recitals reached 20 million classical music lovers. The numerous CDs that Gary Karr has recorded and released in Japan are "top of the recording charts" favorites in the Far East. The BBC has featured two video films of Karr, one an illumination of his life and music (Amazing Bass) and one a series for children. On his third recording with the London Symphony Orchestra, Karr performed the Concerto for Bass by John Downey. CBS Sunday Morning celebrated Gary Karr's career and the University of Wisconsin has released a video demonstrating his instructional approach to the doublebass (BASSically Karr) in addition to a special video concert for children (Karrtunes).

One of Karr's proudest achievements is the Bronze Medal he received from the Rosa Ponselle Foundation which recognizes him as an outstanding lyrical musician. Gary is the proud holder of the 1997 Artist/Teacher of the Year Award from the American String Teacher's Association (ASTA). He also holds the Distinguished Achievement Award (1995) from the International Society of Bassists (ISB). Gary Karr participated in the Bi-Annual Rainforest Concert in Carnegie Hall with fellow-bassist Sting, Stevie Wonder and others in 1997. In 1999 a new book by Claude Kenneson, entitled Musical Prodigies -- Perilous Journeys, Remarkable Lives was released by Amadeus Press, which includes a passage describing Karr's early love affair with the doublebass.

In June 2001, Gary Karr played his farewell public concert as part of the International Society of Bassists 2001 Convention in Indianapolis. A large audience that included eight hundred bassists from twenty-seven different countries attended this event. At the close of this recital with his pianist, Harmon Lewis, Karr was given the ISB's Distinguished Teacher Award. He was also presented with a very special gift from more than two hundred of his colleagues and fans…a newly developed rose named in his honor to commemorate his forty years on the international concert stage.

大提琴录音的至极!! Gary Karr 被誉为当今最出色的低音大提琴演奏家,多年来他以历史上最靓的低音大提琴Amati1611演奏出一些最动听的古典曲目,由于他的演奏皆由日本发烧录音师高浪出郎以德律风根真空管拾音器灌录,琴声美艳,每一个录音皆成为音像发烧友的珍藏对象. 现今King Record从发烧角度选出Gary Karr历年来音效最超卓的录音片段,编成此发烧精选,可说实至名归!


大提琴录音的至极!! Gary Karr 演奏出来,牛筋味十足,加上其它几样乐器,层次感十足,… 大提琴录音的至极!! Gary Karr 被誉为当今最出色的低音大提琴演奏家,多年来他以历史上最靓的低音大提琴Amati1611演奏出一些最动听的古典曲目,由于他的演奏皆由日本发烧录音师高浪出郎以德律风根真空管拾音器灌录,琴声美艳,每一个录音皆成为音像发烧友的珍藏对象. 现今King Record从发烧角度选出Gary Karr历年来音效最超卓的录音片段,编成此发烧精选,可说实至名归!


大提琴录音的至极!! Gary Karr 演奏出来,牛筋味十足,加上其它几样乐器,层次感十足,甚至可以感觉到每样乐器的定位,再你面前演奏一样!!

美国的时代杂志曾经赞扬盖瑞卡尔为居世界领导地位之低音提琴独奏家(the world’s leading solo bassist),不仅如此,盖瑞卡尔也是史上第一位将低音提琴独奏作为全职的低音提琴独奏家,而盖瑞卡尔所拥有由库赛夫斯基遗孀所致赠的1611年的低音提琴Amati使得盖瑞卡尔的音乐成就更蔚为传奇。


盖瑞卡尔于低音提琴的成就是一项传奇中的传奇。义大利的有线电视曾转播三场卡尔的低音提琴独奏会给两千万古典音乐爱好者欣赏,而卡尔在日本由King唱片所发行的许多录音,在亚洲地区长久以来一直是排行榜上的常客。美国的CBS曾为盖瑞卡尔录制Camara Three专辑于Bell Telephone Hour节目中播出;在加拿大,CBC电视台制作了Gary Karr and his friend系列节目;在英国的Channel 4电视台也曾录制一系列的儿童节目Bass is Beautiful;在1985年英国BBC制作了两集影片,一个是介绍卡尔的音乐及生活"Amazing Bass",另一个是为儿童所作的专辑;在卡尔与伦敦交响乐团的第三张录音中,录制了英国作曲家约翰道尼的低音提琴协奏曲;美国CBS的Sunday Morning节目曾专题介绍卡尔的成就;威斯康辛大学亦发行了一卷介绍盖瑞卡尔于低音提琴的独到见解BASSically Karr和一卷特别的儿童音乐会Karrtunes。这些是盖瑞卡尔众多成就的一小部份。盖瑞卡尔最自豪的一项成就是由名女高音罗莎朋赛儿基金会(Rosa Poselle Foundation)所颁发的金牌奖,这证明盖瑞卡尔不仅是一位低音提琴家,他的音乐的歌唱性令他获得这个专属于声乐家的成就。



01. "Londonderry Air" {Folksong} - (3:01)

02. "Song Of India" {Rimsky-Korsakov/Fritz Dreisler} - (4:38)

03. "Berceuse" (Aus Der Oper 'Jocelyn') {Benjamin Godard} - (7:35)

04. "O Holy Night" {Adolphe Charles Adam, Arr.Gary Karr} - (5:44)

05. "When You Wish Upon A Star" {Leigh Harline, Arr.Gary Karr} - (3:05)

06. "Nobody Knows De Trouble I've Seen" {Spiritual song, Arr.Gary Karr} - (3:49)

07. "Adagio In G Minor" {Remo Giazotto ~ Tomaso Albinoni} - (8:53)

08. "Summertime" {George Gershwin} - (3:13)

09. "Apres Un Reve" {Gabriel Urbain Fauré} - (3:45)

10. "Playful Rondo" {W.Green} - (1:45)

11. "Air" (From 'Orchestral Suite No.3 In D Major' - BWV 1068) - (4:23)

12. "Minuet" (From 'Notenbuh Der Anna Magdalena Bach' - BWV Anh 114) - (1:44)

13. "Jesu, Joy Of Mans Desiring" (BWV 147) {Arr.Gary Karr} - (3:35)


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