



DISC I (1939 ~ 1961) :

01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare And Cinemascope Extension

02. Gone With The Wind (Tara's Theme)--乱世佳人

03. Casablanca (As Time Goes By)--卡萨布兰卡

04. The Third Man (The Harry Lime Theme)--第三人

05. High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darlin')--正午

06. The Dambusters (March)--轰炸鲁尔水坝记

07. The Man With The Golden Arm (Main Theme)--金臂

08. Around The World In 80 Days (Around The World In 80 Days)--环游世界八十天

09. The Bridge On The River Kwai (March)--桂河大桥

10. The Big Country (Main Theme)--锦绣大地

11. North By Northwest (Overture)--西北偏北

12. Ben-Hur (Parade Of The Chariotees)--宾虚

13. A Summer Place (Young Love)--夏日恋情

14. The Magnificent Seven (Main Theme)--豪勇七蛟龙

15. Psycho (Main Theme / Murder)--精神病患者

16. Exodus (Overture)--出埃及记

17. Breakfast At Tiffany's (Moon River)--蒂凡尼的早餐

DISC II (1962 ~ 1968) :

01. Lawrence Of Arabia (Overture)--阿拉伯的劳伦斯

02. Hatari (Baby Elephant Walk)--哈泰利

03. Dr. No (The James Bond Theme)--007之诺博士

04. The Pink Panther (The Pink Panther Theme)--粉红豹

05. The Great Escape (Main Title)--大逃亡

06. 633 Aquadron (Main Title)--633轰炸大队

07. Zorba The Greek (Zorba's Dance)--希腊人佐巴

08. Doctor Zhivago (Lara's Theme)--日瓦戈医生

09. Born Free (Born Free)--生来自由

10. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Main Title)--黄金三镖客

11. Casino Royale (Theme)--007别传之皇家夜总会

12. The Thomas Crown Affair (The Windmills Of Your Mind)--龙凤斗智

13. Bullitt (Main Theme)--警网铁金刚

14. Romeo And Juliet (Love Theme)--罗密欧与朱丽叶

15. 2001: A Space Odyssey (Also Sprach Zarathustra)--2001漫游太空

16. Twisted Nerve (Main Theme)-- 魔鬼天使

DISC III (1968 ~ 1978) :

01. Once Upon a Time in the West (Jill's Theme)--西部往事

02. Midnight Cowboy (Midnight Cowboy)--午夜牛郎

03. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Raindrops keep fallin' on my Head)--神枪手与智多星

04. Love Story (Love Story)--爱情故事

05. Dirty Harry (Main Title)--肮脏的哈里

06. Summer of '42 (Summer of '42)--1942年夏天

07. The Godfather (Speak Softly Love)--教父

08. Deliverance (Duelling Banjos)--激流四勇士

09. The Exorcist (Tubular Bells)--驱魔人

10. Jaws (Main Title)--大白鲨

11. Barry Lyndon (Sarabande)--乱世儿女

12. Taxi Driver (Main Theme)--出租车司机

13. Rocky (Gonna fly now)--洛奇

14. Star Wars: A New Hope (Main Theme)--星球大战

15. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Main Title / Resolution and Finale)--第三類接觸

16. The Deer Hunter (Cavatina)--猎鹿人

17. Superman (Main Theme)--超人

DISC IV (1979 ~ 1990) :

01. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (End Titles)--星际迷航

02. Somewhere In Time (Somewhere In Time)--时光倒流七十年

03. Chariots Of Fire (Titles)--烈火战车

04. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (The Raiders March)--夺宝奇兵

05. E.T. The Extraterrestrial (Bicycle Chase & End Credits)--ET

06. Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence)--战场上的快乐圣诞

07. The Natural (The Natural)--天赋

08. Once Upon A Time In America (Deborah's Theme)--美国往事

09. Back To The Future (Main Theme)--回到未来

10. Out Of Africa (Main Theme)--走出非洲

11. Jean De Florette (Jean De Florette)--恋恋山城

12. The Mission (Gabriel's Oboe)--战火浮生

13. Cinema Paradiso (Love Theme)--天堂电影院

14. Batman (The Batman Theme)--蝙蝠侠

15. Dance With The Wolves (The John Dunbar Theme)--与狼共舞

16. Edward Scissorhands (Main Title)--剪刀手爱德华

DISC V (1990 ~ 1998) :

01. Ghost (Unchained Melody)--人鬼情未了

02. Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves (Main Title)--侠盗罗宾汉

03. 1492: Conquest Of Paradise (1492: Conquest Of Paradise)--1492年,克里斯托弗·哥伦布

04. The Last Of The Mohicans (Main Title)--最后一个莫西干人

05. Jurassic Park (Suite)--侏罗纪公园

06. True Romance (You're So Cool)--致命浪漫

07. The Piano (The Heart Asks Pleasure First)--钢琴别恋

08. Schindler's List (Schindler's List)--辛德勒名单

09. Il Postino (Girl On A Bicycle)--邮差

10. The Shawshank Redemption (End Titles)--肖申克的救赎

11. Braveheart (End Titles)--勇敢的心

12. William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet (The Balcony Scene)--罗密欧与朱丽叶

13. The English Patient (As Far As Florence / Rupert Bear)--英国病人

14. Dragonheart (Main Themes)--龙之心

15. Airforce One (Main Title)--空军一号

16. Titanic (My Heart Will Go On)--铁达尼号

17. Saving Private Ryan (Hymn To The Fallen)--拯救大兵雷恩

DISC VI (1999 ~ 2006) :

01. Eyes Wide Shut (Waltz No. 2 From Jazz Suite No. 2)--大开眼戒

02. American Beauty (Any Other Name)--美国丽人

03. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Duel Of The Fates)--星球大战

04. Gladiator (Now We Are Free)--角斗士

05. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (The Fellowship)--魔戒

06. Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (Hedwig's Theme)--哈利波特

07. Spiderman (Main Theme)--蜘蛛侠

08. Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl (Suite)--加勒比海盗

09. The Girl With The Pearl Earring (Griet's Theme)--戴珍珠耳环的少女

10. Les Choristes (Les Choristes)--放牛班的春天

11. Passion Of The Christ (Resurrection) --耶稣受难记

12. Memoirs Of A Geisha (Sayuri's Theme & End Credits)--艺伎回忆录

13. Munich (Prayer For Peace)--慕尼黑惨案

14. The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (Suite)--纳尼亚传奇

15. Wallace And Gromit: Curse Of The Were-Rabbit (Theme And Chase)--超级无敌掌门狗

16. Brokeback Mountain (Suite)--断背山

17. The Da Vinci Code (Chevaliers De Sangreal)--达芬奇密码


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