The Animals - Retrospective 1964-1970 (ABKCO.2004) SACD-DSD-DFF





The Animals - Retrospective 1964-1970 (ABKCO.2004) SACD-DSD-DFF

专辑名称:The Animals - Retrospective


音乐类型: Rock

发行日期: 1964-1970

重新灌录: 2004

发行地、厂牌及唱片编码: USA - ABKCO 18771-9325-2

格式: DSD 2.0,image (ISO),2,8224 MHz

时长: 76:49

声道: 双声道(Stereo)



Retrospective is a compilation album of The Animals, released by ABKCO in 2004 as Hybrid SACD.

Initially, the Animals’ Retrospective looks like just another greatest-hits compilation recycling the same old tracks already easily available elsewhere. Yawn! Yet, on closer inspection, there’s a big difference with this particular set. These 22 tracks are taken from the ABKCO masters and utilize Direct Stream Digital (DSD), containing both CD and Super Audio CD layers. ABKCO initially previewed this technology with much fanfare on the Rolling Stones’ reissues of 2003. That excellence is again applied here and the material undeniably sparkles. The first incarnation of the band with Mickie Most’s production is represented by what have to be the cleanest recordings heard yet of favorites like “House of the Rising Sun,” “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood,” “We Gotta Get Out of This Place,” and “Don’t Bring Me Down.” However, it’s the psychedelic phase of the band, when they became Eric Burdon & the Animals, that the DSD really kicks. Every nuance present, and sometimes hidden, on a song like “San Franciscan Nights,” or “Monterey,” in which the horns noticeably jump out at you, or the battle sequence on “Sky Pilot,” is incredibly vivid whether you’re using high-tech gear or an average playback unit. Even if you’ve heard these tracks a zillion times, this ABKCO release gets you as close to hearing studio playback as you’re likely to get!

“动物”(The Animals)是60年代早期英国最重要的R&B乐队之一一在第一次“不列颠人侵”时,他们的影响力仅次于“滚石”( Rolling Stones)“动物”的原型是纽卡斯尔组合‘’堪萨斯城五人组" ( Kansas City  Five ),成员包括钢琴手阿伦·普莱斯( Alan Price )、鼓手约翰·斯蒂尔(John Steel)和主唱艾里克·伯登(Eric Burdon)o 1962年普莱斯退出乐队转投“海岸线”( Kvntours ),而伯登则离开纽卡斯尔去了伦敦。“海岸线”包括了成员贝斯手布莱恩·“柴斯”·钱德勒(Brian "Chas"  Chandler),在约翰·斯蒂尔加人成为鼓手后,他们把名字改成了“阿伦·普莱斯R&B乐队”(.Alan Price R&B Combo)1963年初,伯登返回纽卡斯尔,他再次加人这支乐队。在乐队正式使用新队名“动物”并自己动手制作首张EP时,吉他手希尔顿·瓦伦字(Hilton Valentine)人队。这张唱片引起了格雷罕姆·邦德( Graham Bond )的注意,他把乐队推    1964年前后,“动物”把鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)第一张专辑中的歌曲“House of the Rising Sun"升之屋)改编翻唱后一举轰动大洋两岸。但在乐队人员儿经变动之后,动物”终于在1969年走上解散之路。尽管后来“动物”的原班人马在1976年重新组队录制了Before We   IT}ere  So Rudely Interrupted(在我们那么仓促地中断之前),并在1983年合作了几场演唱会,但他们却永远不可能回到过去了。他们的再度解散使“动物”成了两代乐迷记忆里的字眼。


01. House Of The Rising Sun - 4:29

02. I’m Crying - 2:47

03. Baby Let Me Take You Home - 2:20

04. Gonna Send You Back To Walker - 2:28

05. Boom Boom - 3:18

06. Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood - 2:28

07. Bring It On Home To Me - 2:42

08. We Gotta Get Out Of This Place - 3:13

09. It’s My Life - 3:06

10. Don’t Bring Me Down - 3:15

11. See See Rider - 4:00

12. Inside - Looking Out - 3:47

13. Hey Gyp - 3:47

14. Help Me Girl - 2:39

15. When I Was Young - 3:00

16. A Girl Named Sandoz - 3:04

17. San Franciscan Nights - 3:20

18. Monterey - 4:19

19. Anything - 3:22

20. Sky Pilot - 7:30

21. White Houses - 3:50

22. Spill the Wine - 4:04


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