毕夏-What's Wrong With You
穷途末路不得人心还嚣张 真可笑
假装善良 让你变的面目全非
野鸟不能 和笼中的鸟相配
对着鬼说人话 你表里不一
心肝露在外面 你活该受罪
What's Wrong With You
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
现实让你结婚生子 却变了头牲口
想要的自由没有 越老越丑
本来该圆满的 也都支离破碎
在耗尽后半生 去拼凑
假装善良 让你变的面目全非
皇帝喝醉 和士兵在床上睡
舌头变成石头 进不了天堂
心力渐渐衰退 你活该下跪
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you
What's wrong with you