狼 (Wolf You Call) - The PopestI‘m the wolf you callWalk in the snowWild animalI‘m the wolf you call野蛮涌动永不足够像猎人追寻你脚印才能埋伏你身影当暴雪掩盖你足迹还能感受你气息也许需要不停的嚎呼才能抵御冬季时候侵袭的孤独也许需要强大的猎物才能唤出斯文背后久违的残酷I‘m the wolf you callWalk in the snowWild animalI‘m the wolf you call野蛮涌动永不足够像猎人追寻你脚印才能埋伏你身影当暴雪掩盖你足迹还能感受你气息也许只要按捺住心跳就能融入这片夜色潜藏在寂寥也许只要再安静一秒就能释放凶残猛兽狂野在撕咬I‘m the wolf you callWalk in the snowWild animalI‘m the wolf you call野蛮涌动永不足够似乎没法被驯服适应你无常的温度Must be the wolf you callMust be the wolf you call早已确定了猎物颠覆你不安的夜幕Must be the wolf you callMust be the wolf you callThe wolf you callThe wolf you call。