Céline Dion全新英语单曲《Didn't Know Love》[FLAC格式]

所属专辑: 《Loved Me Back to Life》

加拿大天后席琳狄翁阔别英语乐坛6年,继前作《为爱冒险Taking Chances》后,终于在全球超过2亿乐迷的殷殷期盼下,发行全新英语单曲〈Loved Me Back to Life〉。单曲力邀曾为小天后蕾哈娜全美冠军单曲〈Diamonds〉等多首畅销作谱写的澳洲创作才女希雅(Sia),为席琳量身打造全新作品,新作一曝光即获得包含MTV台等全球传媒一致好评推荐。

I thought I had it long ago

I held on but It let go

It kissed me on a subway train

And I meant it

It got my hand

It brushed my cheek

It moved right in, It got me deep

You know, it even had a name

I really felt it

I didn't know love

Not even close

this is more beautiful and frightening

that I've ever known

it's making me weak


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