
  • 分类: 试音
  • 歌手: 格式:
  • 3D






专辑名称:Audio System Test - See with Your Ears








       杜比环绕声(Dolby Surround):一种将后方效果声道编码至立体声信道中的声音。重放时需要一台解码器将环绕声信号从编码的声音中分离出来。杜比环绕声(Dolby Surround)是原来的杜比多声道模拟电影声音格式(杜比模拟与杜比SRSpectral Recording声谱记录)的消费类版本。制作杜比环绕声轨时,四个声道的音频信息——左、中、右和单环绕声道——以矩阵编码方式编码在两个声轨上。然后像录像带和电视节目这样的立体声节目源会携带着两条声轨进入千家万户,经杜比定向逻辑(Dolby Pro Logic)技术解码后还原出原始的四声道环绕声。



01. Richard Strauss / Also sprach Zarathustra [0:05:45.65]

02. Beethoven / Piano Concerto No.1, Allegro [0:08:41.50]

03. William Byrd / Ave Verum Corpus [0:04:38.10]

04. Sergei Prokofiev / Ivan The Terrible [0:08:58.25]

05. Traditional / Tahitian Skies [0:03:33.33]

06. A.L.Webber / Jesus Christ Superstar [0:05:43.47]

07. Menken,Ashman / Beauty and the Beast [0:03:41.68]

08. Max Steiner / Gone with the Wind / Main Title [0:03:09.60]

09. Gustav Holst / The Planets [0:10:58.30]

10. Henry Mancini / Cinema Italiano [0:04:54.05]

11. Hans Erdmann / Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror [0:03:40.70]

12. Dimitri Tiomkin / The Battle of Alamo [0:09:45.32]


01. Stereo left-right channel identification [0:00:35.13]

02. Phase check for left and right main speakers [0:01:05.00]

03. Phase check for left and right main speakers, out-of-phase [0:01:04.70]

04. 100 Hz tone on both channels In-phase [0:01:04.70]

05. 100 Hz tone on both channels, out-of-phase [0:01:05.07]

06. Stereo balance with narrowband pink noise [0:01:05.05]

07. Frequency range in stereo [0:01:10.00]

08. Frequency sweep stereo [0:00:44.70]

09. Resonance test left [0:01:29.73]

10. Resonance test right [0:01:30.07]

11. Stereo pan [0:01:22.00]

12. Surround channel differences [0:00:38.00]

13. Surround speaker balance [0:01:55.00]

14. Surround speaker balance with subwoofer [0:02:24.73]

15. Phase check on three front speakers [0:01:04.72]

16. 160 Hz left and centre [0:01:05.00]

17. 160 Hz right and middle [0:01:04.73]

18. 120 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:37.05]

19. 100 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:36.65]

20. 80 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:37.07]

21. 75 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:36.00]

22. 64 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:37.00]

23. 50 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:37.00]

24. 42 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:37.05]

25. 32 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:36.70]

26. 28 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:37.03]

27. 20 Hz left-centre-right [0:00:38.05]

28. Frequency range in surround [0:01:39.67]

29. Surround resonance test sweep left [0:01:29.03]

30. Surround resonance test sweep centre [0:01:27.72]

31. Surround resonance test sweep right [0:01:26.70]

32. Surround resonance test sweep rear [0:01:28.05]

33. Surround resonance test sweep total [0:01:27.10]

34. Test Pro Logic circuit [0:00:44.08]

35. Timpani left-centre-right-rear [0:00:53.55]

36. Timpani left-centre-right-rear with background noise [0:01:11.17]

37. Timpani left-centre-right-rear with background noise (surround info) [0:01:10.63]

38. Test of Digital Sound Processor [0:00:45.05]

39. Reference tone 1000 Hz [0:01:04.72]

40. Pink noise left [0:01:05.03]

41. Pink noise centre [0:01:05.00]

42. Pink noise right [0:01:05.02]

43. Pink noise rear [0:01:05.00]

44. Pink noise total [0:01:10.43]

45. Amstardam International Airport [0:01:06.17]

46. Thunderstorm in open field [0:01:58.63]

47. Streetcar, bell and bikes [0:00:34.05]

48. A feast of fireworks [0:01:33.02]

49. Motor traffic on highway [0:01:03.68]

50. The underground [0:01:00.05]

51. The railway [0:01:45.02]

52. Boat trip on the Amsterdam canels [0:00:59.70]

53. City centre scene, Amsterdam [0:02:11.05]


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